Love this.

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I like that you had the list of movies at the end. I was testing myself to see which lines I recognized, if I could place them, and then noting which ones are new to me -- so it's helpful to have the answer key waiting for me. 😀 And so fun your kids hopped in on it as well! :)

We play a version of this with friends and family often. Just randomly asking each other, 'what are your top five all time movies/tv shows/scenes from movies and tv shows?'. It's always so fun and fascinating to see what stories/images/themes we respond to. And, how over time, we change or don't change our selections. The story teller in me can't get enough of it. The armchair anthropologist in me gets a pretty big kick out of it, too. :)

And now I'm going over my own lists mentally to see what makes my current cut. :)

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Very cool. What a great family project.❤️

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