My thanks to
for sending out an abecedarian challenge via this Note. I LOVE how a shared prompt brings us together and sends new poems out into the world.Speaking of which, poet
has launched a second Substack called and I think it’s going to be amazing. Her description: “I’ll pick a poem in the public domain - a beloved classic, a little known gem, a cringy howler that’s due some reimagining. Then we’ll treat each line like a poetry prompt, a jumping off point for a new poem. Maybe you stick with the theme of the poem. Maybe you take an entirely new direction. Maybe you rearrange the words in the line to say something completely different. No hard and fast rules. Possibilities are the point.” If that sounds fun, I hope you join in!A flurry of texts and photos bounces between Boise and Lake Forest Park counting the things my husband did while getting sworn in for Idaho (even though we’re not moving there). First he sent a picture of a domed building at 8:21am, gathered clouds swirling around an empty flag pole. Hard evidence of a hearty breakfast came next (I’m known for begging him to eat eat eat): jars of jelly crowding the counter edge knotted tie thrown over one shoulder lavishing his pancakes with syrup making the dark coffee a little lighter. Next, a grinning snap in front of the Great Seal of the State: a draped woman, a farmer, Esto Perpetua, bounteous wheat and crops pouring quietly from cornucopias at their feet. Renovations continue at our house, the drill sending down a shower of dust, while the next text reads, “I’m at the Basque Museum.” The stylized U’s and E’s of the attached arborglyph spell secret words. Veering abruptly into nature, he sends a blurry image of what first looks like a deer, bent with burden, the elegant X of her legs too narrow to hold up such an oblong body. Yellow-lit, she glances back at the camera. “I’m at the Boise Zoo. Ten dollar admission.” He ends with a pic of a red-faced bird.
The photo! And all the vivid vignettes in this poem—gosh Margaret, you really convey the
hidden layers of beauty in an “ordinary” day and in the way you and your husband stay connected while apart—how delicious! 💛
This is so random and specific and wonderful, Margaret Ann -- just like the order of the abc's!
(And of course I'm completely curious about what/why your husband was getting sworn in to/for. Which is none of my business and simply makes the poem more random and specific and wonderul.)