Jul 3Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

(Words) They are the wildest, freest, most irresponsible, most unteachable of all things. These are Virginia Woolf's words, but I believe we all relate to them.

Your poem is wonderful, Margaret. 🖤

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Thank you, Fotini! And I love that quote. I’ve never read it before.

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Jul 5Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

It is part of a BBC broadcast (1937), the only recorded document of Woolf's voice. You can read it in "The Death of the Moth, and Other Essays" -- it is titled "Craftsmanship"


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Thank you!

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Jul 3Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

I can really identify with this! Wow! Also I love "oceans of notions" 😍

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Thank you so much, Kym! I was looking for a synonym for “words” and saw “notions” and actually laughed out loud. A fun little find :).

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This is lovely and raw. Your writing is so honest. And I love how your daughter’s artwork fits so well with the poem.

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Thank you so much, LeeAnn. I really appreciate your words 💛. Sometimes I “commission” pieces from my kids, but most of the time there is something beautiful already hanging on the wall that seems to fit so well.

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Jul 3Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

I am a cryer, too. I wish I'd had therapy while I was in college, because gosh did I need it. 😅

I relate to having words until it feels really important - especially in person versus writing. If you give me time, I can write anything, but if you put me on the spot in person I draw a blank.

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Oh my goodness, I know what you mean. I’ve gotten better-ish with in person stuff, but it’s very slow going for me. Ironically, I’m SO much more friendly and confident on Substack than I am in real life 😁😳🫠.

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Jul 2Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

Oceans of Notions

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😁 I already shared this on another comment, but that was the result of one of my hundreds of “synonym for…” Google searches (I wanted another word for “word” and totally cackled when I saw the rhyme opportunity).

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

Could serve as the title of a collection of essays or poems, too.

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Oooh, I like that.

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Jul 2Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

I can relate so much to having a lot to say, both in written and verbal communication! And then the struggle to know how to describe big emotions.

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Yes—especially because I almost always cry when I try to talk about “big stuff”, which has always felt like a weakness (I know it’s not, but I don’t feel like that’s how the world sees it).

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Jul 2Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

I actually thank people for sharing tears with me… it feels like a privilege to be allowed into their vulnerable spaces!

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That’s a good way to see it—tears as a sign of someone letting you in.

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That last line is heavy with experience.

Lovely writing. Keep going.

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Thank you, David.

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Jul 2Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

This is deeply profound, and I can really identify. Thank you for your courage. The stakes are never actually low. You never know how your actions/words will affect others, and it can be a whole butterfly effect from there! You ARE courageous.

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Thank you, Mike. I really appreciate that!

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