Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

The deep abiding love that wraps around the heart and brings forth merriment in many endearing names.

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

I’ll keep this forever !!!!!!

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Thank you, Susan 😊. It’s special to me too.

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This is excellent, how they grow - those names - from each child to the next. And i had fun trying to keep track.

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Thank you, David! 😊

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This is beautiful

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Thank you, Tamsin. It was especially fun to write this one because I know the subject matter so well ;).

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I love this! My middle child's nickname (which might as well be her name name) came from her older sister's inability to say "Samantha." So "Mantha" it has been since forever.

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Oh, I love that. Yes, our oldest and youngest almost never go by their full names when they’re here 😊.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

What a bundle of fun nicknames! I feel like I'm sitting around your kitchen table in all that magical madness.

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Thank you, Treasa! 😊 I love the phrase “magical madness”!

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

Lovely! I was charmed to read this while my faithful round companion sleeps next to me, white noise blaring peacefully.

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Aww, thank you, Mike! Here’s to our precious round companions 😊 (the one from my poem is currently sixteen and approximately ten feet tall).

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This was so precious!

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Thank you, Daniel! 😊

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

Love this!!!!!!

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Thank you, Fotini! 😊

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

So sweet.

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Thank you, X.P. 💛

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

Adore this! We have a “Goose” too!

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

This is so beautiful. I've wanted to write something for/about my kids and their nicknames for a while now, and this is just so wonderful.

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Thank you, A! I loved writing this (it could have been way longer, honestly).

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Jun 28Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

This is just gorgeous and so relatable. We have so many nicknames for the kids and use them so consistent that if we speak their real names they assume they are in trouble. My son called our daughter Girlie from day one. It’s still her most often used moniker. Somebody once told me there’s a Chinese adage that says “the loved child has many names.” Seems legit.

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Oh--I love that adage. And "Girlie" is adorable. I couldn't really fit this in, but our youngest called his (slightly) older sister "Ah-tah" for the longest time. Her given name starts with an A but other than that, it was just the name he had for her until he could pronounce the whole thing. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

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