Sep 18Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

“But now that I have provided the world

with a constellation of shimmering children

why does the medical buck stop

right at the doorstep of middle age?”

Love this, so beautifully said. You ask all the right questions, and answer them from the heart AND the body. Never apologize for wanting answers.❤️

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Thank you, Mary! I want them for myself and my friends, and then I want them to be so clear for my daughters that they never have to say the words, “What’s perimenopause?”, which I see and hear constantly among women approaching middle age. It’s crazy-making!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

Margaret, I never even heard the word “perimenopause” until I had passed through it. Kudos to you for sharing your wisdom with your daughters, and with us. How I wish I’d known someone so honest and brave at the time as you! 💕

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Oh Mary—I’m way more honest and brave in poetry than in real life. But I am trying to change that 💛.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

I just love this one so much. I know I was lucky enough to read it before, but I'm glad to see it again.

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Thank you so much, A. I really appreciate the little safe space of Lisa’s Substack—it’s so nice to put a ragged, undone poem out there without fear that it’s not polished yet.

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Yes! Although your poems feel very polished to me regardless of where I see them.

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Sep 18Liked by Margaret Ann Silver

That pink menopause balloon! Some days it’s overinflated with frustrations- physical, emotional, medical, cultural - of this ‘phase’ of life. Other days it’s wrinkled and needing a rest!

Now that I’m thinking about balloons - you know that sound they can make before you stretch the end and trap the air inside with a knot? A good scream!!!

Thanks for the words 💖

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Nicole, you took the balloon simile to new heights! I definitely have deflated, drooping days too (and screams, mostly inside my head so I don’t scare anyone). Thank you for reading!

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Middle age, that I can understand. Menopause, not so much, other than watching it from the other side of the bed. Can't say it's anything I want to get close to and yet, half of us wade into it at some point. Always impressed that they make it out the other side. Not sure what the male equivalent is. But I'm sure the adjectives dwindling, and diminishing are part of it. Watching some part of us disappear is always a lot of fun. But we carry on. Great poem.

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Thank you, Joe. So true—half the world goes through it at some point; I am impatient for the medical community to de-mystify it and help us out!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

The imagery of the minotaur... and "constellation of shimmering children" line, so so good.

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Thank you, Morgan! It was relaxing to just lean in to every comparison that came to my brain while writing this one :).

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6 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

Thanks for this. It's spot on. I've got a piece I've been noodling on for ages that feels a little too "ragey" to post. But maybe I should just do it. And the balloon is so perfect! That feeling that you might just explode in the face of one more clueless medical practitioner. Isn't it bizarre how they are just dying to turn pregnancy into an illness, but when it comes to menopause they just shrug and say, "It's a natural process," like that's a reason to do nothing.

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ARGH. Yes. I have a longtime doctor (standard Western medicine, very good at so many things) whose response to my many perimenopause symptoms was to do and say the very things all current menopause wisdom says not to. I frequently hear how women’s health is a very minimal part of medical school. I asked around and got some recommendations for naturopaths who specialize in women’s health and finally felt like someone was listening.

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I’m right there with you on this! Great piece and thanks for sharing this prompt ❤️

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Thank you, Shondra! It’s been good to see you back on Substack 💛.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

And I love the poem. I am right here with you.

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Thank you, Tania 💛.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

Yes, “whom” is correct!

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😁 Thank you! I was having a hard time getting the internet to answer me correctly.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Ann Silver

spot on! I have had many a rant on the neglect of woman issues in the medical world and still do. Love this!

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Thank you, Mom! Yes, it feels like as I get older and have more complicated health issues, a lot of traditional doctors kind of throw up their hands and back away. But they’re the ones who went to school for this…!?!?!

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